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I am a third-year Ph.D. student in the Department of Statistics and Data Science at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. My research focuses on developing methods for selective inference tasks, such as multiple hypothesis testing and variable selection. My work is funded in part by an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship.
Previously, I was an undergraduate at Harvard University, where I received a joint A.B. in Mathematics and Statistics and an S.M. in Computer Science. While there, I also had the great fortune of being advised by Lucas Janson.
I was also a founding member of DynamoFL (YC W22) (now Dynamo AI!). There, I developed federated learning algorithms for a multitude of problem domains, such as automated driving, financial forecasting, and generative AI.
Here is a copy of my CV. You can reach me at junulee[at]wharton[dot]upenn[dot]edu.
Research interests
I am broadly interested in improving methods for selective inference. Some specifics are below: